E³.series Peruskoulutus (cable)
E³.series Peruskoulutus (cable), 3 pv, 04.06 – 06.06.2024 järjestetään joko etäkoulutuksena tai Turun toimipisteellämme.
We offer training courses in all modules of the E³.series.
Our courses can be made company-specific hosted at our customers or in our own training locations. We also arrange open courses regularly held in one of our training centers.
Training courses:
- E³.series usertraining for all modules (1 – 4 days)
- E³.series database training; setup, add/modify/delete entries in the system’s library (2 days)
- E³.series andministration training for IT personnel (1 day)
- E³.series API programming courses for personnel who wish to further develop/customize the company
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